At Trollbeads Gallery the uniques beads have been a major focus for over 14 years. Trollbeads unique beads continue to develop into some of the most beautiful styles of glass beads offered and the task of identifying them has become a challenge. Many of our collectors want to seek out these highly collectible beads and this has created a need to identify the designs. PLEASE NOTE: due to website limitations I have not updated the unique designs below since I created this page 7 years ago. So think of these beads as a screenshot in the history of uniques.
We hope to show as many of the designs as we can and identify them with names we can all use to source the beads we are searching for. For reference only, beads are not for sale.
Paint Stroked Peaks Unique beads
Swag Unique Bead or Scallop beads
Ribbon Unique Beads
Mini Flowers over translucent glass.
Unique "Feathers" beads
Hot Cross Bun Unique beads
Scales Unique beads or Dragon Scales
Harlequin beads with opaque glass
Spinner Beads with 3 wings on opague glass base
Fluer de Lis unique beads.
Two toned Quilt beads
Translucent Spinner beads, 3 wings
Translucent Spinner beads, with 2 wings
Unique Clover beads
Unique Armadillos
Trollbeads Unique Exclamation Marks!
Unique Harlequins with waterlily style spots.
Trollbeads Unique Braid beads or Wheat Unique beads.
Unique Glitter Trollbeads.
Unique Waterlily design beads.
Unique "Stained Glass" Style Trollbeads.
Unique Wave Trollbeads.
A unique Bubble bead...Fish Eyes!
Fruit Trees with Berries Unique beads.
Unique Harlequin Card beads.
Unique Ohm Trollbeads.
Unique Dice Trollbeads.
Unique Trollbeads with Four Dots in a Circle.
Unique Caterpillar Trollbeads. (very hard to find)
Trollbeads highly desirable Longevity Unique bead.
Trollbeads Unique "Magic Carpet" beads, named by our followers on Facebook!
I've only seen this design in Universal Uniques, love it! "Smiles with Big Dimples!"
Unique Trollbeads "Triangle" beads.
Trollbeads Unique "Snake" beads.
Unique Trollbeads "Translucent Vine" beads.
Trollbeads "Opaque Vine" unique beads.
Trollbeads unique "Striped Dottie" beads.
Trollbeas Unique "Jellyfish" beads.
Unique Trollbeads Swirl with Buds.
Trollbeads Unique Heart Beads both Translucent and Opaque.
Opaque Unique beads with 3 powder puffs!
Trollbeads Unique Harlequin with Translucent glass.
Trollbeads Unique Twirl Leaf beads.
Trollbeads Unique Translucent Bubbles.
This is a difficult bead to name! Arches & Spots?
Trollbeads Unique Round Buds.
Unique Pastel Stripe Trollbeads.
Trollbeads Unique Tonal Harlequin Design beads.
Trollbeads Opaque Swirl design beads.
Trollbeads Unique Glitter Bud beads.
Trollbeads Unique "New Moons".
Trollbeads Unique Swirl Bubble beads.
Trollbeads Glitter Leaf unique beads.
Trollbeads Unique Kite beads.
Trollbeads Unique Medallion Spinners.
Trollbeads Unique Spinner Buds.
Trollbeads Unique Bubble Within a Bubble beads.
Trollbeads Unique Banded Circles beads.
This has been named the "Fall Out Selter" bead by a customer!
Trollbeads Unique Flower Glitter beads!
Trollbeads Translucent Flower beads! Beauties all!
"Ornament" Design bead. The original "Ornament" was a part of the retired Tibet Kit from 2006.
The very popular Unique Armadillo in two-tones!
The most beautiful Unique bead ever-the Spirograph!
This design is known by 2 names. Cats,short for Caterpiller (but already is a Caterpiller unique) and a.k.a. Grubs!
Unique Trollbeads "Buttons" beads.
Trollbeads "Pin Wheels" Unique beads.
Trollbeads Christmas Tree Unique beads.
Vines with fruit on opaque white beads.
Spirograph Unique Bead design over white coated cores.
"Watercolor" style stripe unique beads.
Juggling Cresents!
Original Bubble beads. This bead also comes in a number of colors in the Trollbeads line.
Checkerboard bead. There's a Checkerboard in Glass 1 in black and white.
Special designs come in a rare variety of fruit, trees etc.
Special Glitter Unique Trollbeads.
Special Glitter Vines, rare and wonderful.
"Large Polka Dots" Unique Trollbeads
Large "Raised Polka Dots" Unique Trollbeads.
These are what we call the Unique Triple Bubble Unique bead.
Here is a relatively new unique flower design, Mini Flowers!
Unique Trollbeads Medallion FLower beads.
Unique "Clover" Trollbeads.
Swirling Flowers with buds unique Trollbeads.
Trollbeads Unique flowers with winding ribbon.
Halloween Unique Trollbeads.
Christmas themed Unique Trollbeads.
July 4th themed Unique Trollbeads.
Trollbeads Unique Glitter Buds Within Circles.
Trollbeads Unique Turtle Beads. Very hard to find!
Trollbeads Unique "Bow Tie".
Trollbeads Unique "Critter" beads. Very hard to find!